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Public Workshops
You can purchase a ticket to this month's specific Public Workshop, which will include access to the event page, zoom call, and ongoing access to the talk recording.
Pitfalls and Assets in Modern Day Spiritual Practice
April 19, 2:30-4:00pmET

The intent of any solid spiritual practice is to accompany you through the phases or layers of the spiritual journey which includes every body of relating that you are. More and more in this time of vast emptiness individuals are turning to spiritual practices and/or psychedelics to get them into the field of more liberated awareness. Most of these systems were designed at times where the conditions were very different than today. And in this society of quick fixes we have taken parts of them to get us there as quickly as possible. Any good long arc practitioner will tell you the journey and its prescriptive practices is nuanced and developmental. There are hundreds of side roads and millions of pitfalls. Next Friday at 2:30 EDT join me and Dare Carrasquillo to talk about and break down common issues with spiritual practices in today’s worlds as well as how to stay the course within integrity. As usual it will be a lively party 🎉
Purchase a Ticket for Live Event and Ongoing Recording Access:
Contact Bree for scholarship options.
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